Thursday, November 29, 2012


The universe has a funny way of working when it comes to making decisions. My dad, my aunt, and others asked me if I was sure I wanted to sign this guardianship and I explicitly said yes. The cost of guardianship would be $900 and I said to Becky and Karen that I didn't have that kind of money. Of course, once again Becky said, "Don't worry about it, Roger and I will figure it out." That seemed to be alright with Karen and I said okay. Now, it was just a matter of getting my ex-husband to agree to it as well.
The kids were already staying across the stret without the guardianship and when Manning would drop the kids off for the weekend Becky and Roger invited him in to try and make him feel comfortable with the arrangement. Sometimes he would stay three hours at a time.
Once he left, Becky would come over and tell me about their conversations.
"All he does is talk about himself," she said. "You would think he'd ask how the kids are handling everything, or he would ask questions about us."
I sat their and listened every time. I kind of smiled to myself and thought, haha now you understand why he drives me nuts sometimes.
The weekend before the hearing Becky came over frantically spouting out in her Arkansas accent.
"He won't sign the guardianship papers," she said.
"He went over it with us and had problems with it."
At the time, I didn't understand why she was so upset. I thought she was upset for me because I wouldn't get the healthcare I needed if this didn't go through. I now think she was upset because my ex-husband wasn't about to give his children away to perfect strangers. I believe now she was upset because my ex-husband put a kink in her twisted plan to take my children away by using God to manipulate me.
Every time she had a problem with Manning, she would come over and tell me about it. I was suppose to be recovering from my chemotherapy treatments and she was causing me undue stress. I finally had to tell her I couldn't handle it anymore. There wasn't anyting I could do about it. In her own words, she was "on the hamster wheel." I believed she enjoyed being on the hamster wheel and enjoyed having the drama in her life. She presented herself in a fashion she was helping you, but in all reality she was helping herself. Hiding behind God once again and in it for her own agenda.
My ex-husband has never been one to express himself openly. I didn't know if he approved of my decision, if he wanted to take the kids, or if he really knew what to do. I was angry because he wouldn't talk to me openly about it. He wouldn't tell me, "I want my children to come and live with us."
My dad said I needed to have a conversation with my ex-husband, but I knew he wouldn't talk to me or give me an opinion one way or the other. If he had an opinion, he wouldn't have backed it up. I felt that I was on my own.
My husband and I had seperated earlier that year, before I found out my cancer diagnosis. I couldn't depend on him to take care of me or the kids, which I'll get into later. He was down in Texas and legally he couldn't take Nick or Mickaela even though he offered to. I knew that wouldn't fly with my ex-husband though.
The following week, Becky and Roger went to court and Judge Johnson signed off on the guardianship. It was a done deal now. I was happy my children were getting taken care of and that I was going to be able to get the healthcare and help I needed. Now, Manning was out of the way. Little did I know Becky moved onto my sister.

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