Friday, October 26, 2012

I had never had anyone like Becky and Roger in my life before. They were the kind of friends I dreamed of having. I had even started attending their church which I fell in love with. The first time I went, I thought the pastor's sermon was aimed directly toward me. I fell in love with the idea of being part of this community. These people actually cared about me and my well-being.
I am so angry at myself. I trusted in God and asked Him for his guidance and my faith has been forevermore shaken at best. How could he do this to me?
I understand God gave us free will, but what about the concept of guardian angels? Aren't they suppose to protect us and help us see the light?
I began to confide my deepest, darkest secrets to Becky. And I thought she was really listening to me and trying to help me work through this. I thought she was building me up and building up my self-confidence. In some instances, she did do that.
While she was trying to protect my children from my sister, she was also trying to protect them from my ex-husband. Now, Manning isn't the perfect father, but none of us are perfect parents. We all have our hidden flaws. The one constant though is that he loves his kids and has always been a part of their life. He would come pick them up three out of four weekends a month. She tried to convince me of all the horrible things my ex-husband and his parents were saying to the kids and told me she was writing all of this down for documentation purposes.
" What do you mean for documentation?" I asked.
"I can't prove him and unfit parent, even if I wanted to."
"Leslie, he's neglectful." Becky said. "He could have taken the kids to the dentist, or taken them to the doctor. You've been sick for a long time and didn't know it. He knew better. He doesn't care about them. Mickaela was so happy about her 100 percent on her spelling test, and he just shrugged it off." Becky said.
"He told me that if you die, he was planning on sending Mickaela to your sister's to live." she said.
That really rubbed me the wrong way. The last thing I wanted was to have my kids split up. I just couldn't believe my ex-husband and my sister were discussing my impeding death and what would happen.
I was so hurt by all of this. So when Becky told me what she and Roger were going to do I didn't say anything to them. Again, something I'm not proud of. I thought my children were being mentally abused though. They need all the love and support they could get, and I was led to believe they weren't getting it from their dad or their grandparents.

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