Monday, October 22, 2012

Last night I layed in bed thinking of all the things I could have done differently when I was diagnosed. I am so angry at myself for allowing these people to manipulate me, my family, and my children. I thought they really cared about me after all they had taken me into their home and offered support that noone else had done. I felt like I had noone. My husband had left me, my family had betrayed my trust. My ex-husband hadn't offered any emotional support. I had even pushed my best friend away.

I sat in my chair wrapped up in my conforter and I hear a knock at the door. It seemed as though Becky was coming over every day. At first I thought she really cared about my well-being. After all I had entrusted her with my children. She never really had much to say when she came over. I think she did it for appearances sake. She knew I was struggling with my husband and tried to convince me that he didn't really love me or have my best interest at heart.

"Good morning," Beck said.
This time she didn't even wait for me to answer the door and just let herself in.
"I've made an appointment with the attorney to get your affairs in order. We need to leave at 1:30."
I really didn't want to go anywhere, but I knew I had to do this. I could die, and needed a will and a medical power of attorney in place along with a living will etc.
"Allright," I said.

Later that day she drove me to the attorney's office. John was a heavy sat man with a boisterous greeting. He had a saddle in his office along with pictures of John Wayne. I knew my husband would like this guy. He was pretty matter of fact and asked me what it was I wanted accomplished. I was hiring him for a $100 to draw up my papers and to look after my best interest.

Becky explained to him my situation including the fact that I was separated from my husband. She kind of took over the meeting and John put her in her place right from the get go.

"We want to take the kids into our home and look after them until Leslie is able to get better." She said.

"Well, all you are right now is a glorified babysitter and a nosy neighbor," John responded.

That obviously didn't sit well with Becky. John could care less what she wanted. He wanted to know what I wanted and I told him. I had papers drawn up to put my dad down as medical power of attorney and power of attorney to handle my finances and anything else I needed. I also had a will drawn up in case something did happen to me. I wanted to make sure my children were cared for in case my ex-husband didn't step up.

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