Sunday, December 9, 2012

Dyslexia or Fetal Alcohol Syndrome??

Dannae told me that Becky had invited her over for dinner. Dannae wanted to get Mickaela alone to see how she was doing, but Dannae said that wasn't going to happen. Even though Becky had fired Dannae, Becky assured me that Dannae and Mickaela would get to see each other. I was extremely upset by all of this, but there wasn't much I could do. I started to realize my opinion really didn't count. Becky and Roger were her legal guardians now and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it.
Becky wanted to get Mickaela re-evaluated because she didn't think Mickaela had dyslexia. Becky had thought I had drank with her while I was pregnant and in fact Mickaela had fetal alcohol syndrome.
My mother was instrumental in helping me figure out that Mickaela might have dyslexia. She had pointed out that my dad was probably dyslexic, even though he had never been tested. Insurance didn't cover testing, but my husband felt it was important and didn't hesitate to put out the $400 to do this. My mother had gone to the Fundamental Learning Center in Wichita, Kansas and took a couple of seminars and was convinced Mickaela was in fact dyslexic. 
We fought our principal to get Mickaela on an Individual Education Plan (IEP). What pissed me off though was that they wanted to lump her in with everyone else. It's not that dyslexics can't learn is that they learn differently. Becky wanted to get rid of the IEP because she said the kids at school made fun of her and called her retard. Well, I guess that's as good as any reason to get rid of something that was helping my daughter.
Becky thought she knew differently though. She had her evaluated by a psychologist in Wichita, KS that supposedly focused only on brain injury. To get into this doctor, was amazing because she only took certain cases. I really felt blessed this doctor was willing to look at Mickaela.
"Leslie, it's okay if you had a couple of drinks while you were pregnant," Becky said.
"Becky, I DID NOT DRINK WHILE I WAS PREGNANT!" I said. God, I was so tired of this accusation. My own family had thought the same thing.
"I did smoke, but I never drank." I said.
"When Mickaela was a baby, she stopped breathing in the middle of the night. Thank God she was at the nurses station. If she hadn't been, she could have died. She spent 14 days hooked up to wires and monitors and had all sorts of tests performed on her to find out why she had stopped breathing. Manning and I couldn't bond with her the way many parents are able to bond with their babies." I explained.
Becky didn't seem too interested in Mickaela's history although I knew a doctor would want to know this information.
"I wouldn't blame you if you had a couple of drinks being married to someone like Manning." Becky said.
"Hell, I would have drank too if I had to put up with someone playing video games all the time and was only interested in himself." She said.
Mickaela had certain physical features that I admit, look like she may have had fetal alcohol syndrome. When I had taken her to her pediatrician, her ped commented on her physical features too, but never accused me.
"Don't you think when Mickaela was a baby and they ran all those tests on her that they would have been able to determine if she had fetal alcohol syndrome"? I asked her.
Becky didn't seem to care what I had to say. I was extremely pissed off by this point, but I didn't go off on her although I wanted to. I had been fighting this doubt for so long now. I didn't give a damn. I knew what to be true. At this point in my life, don't you think I would have admitted to it if I had in fact done what she was accusing me of doing? Wouldn't I want to help my daughter?
Neurologists can actually scan the brain now to see if a child has dyslexia and ADHD. I told Becky to go for it because I knew the psychologist couldn't find anything if she truly knew what she was doing. I wanted them to run a scan of Mickaela's brain so there would be no more doubt.

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