Saturday, December 1, 2012

Like a mother!!!!***** heart attack

I gained another sister later in life. She is my best friend. She is the one I go to when I need someone to talk to, scream at, and cry to. She's been my rock for years and loves me anyway. She has two great kids, grandchildren, an awesome husband and a wonderful family to boot. She is full of positive energy and full of life even when things aren't going her way.
I absolutely hate riding with her when we go places. And I'm a terrible backseat driver. "You know there's someone standing there right?" I'll ask her.
"Yes, I see him," she says as she's whizzing by him.
"It's green," I'll gently say.
"Yes, I know. Let me drive or I'm going to beat you down." She yells at me, followed by a devious smile.
Now, of course I'm a great driver. I'm so good that she has no reason to complain. Except for maybe when I'm weaving in and out of lanes in Kansas City, KS rush hour traffic.
We tease each other relentlessly, but that's just us. Most of the time I'm venting to her and what makes our relationship work is that she just listens to me. She knows when I want advice because I ask for it. If I don't ask for it, she knows I don't want it. She tells me things I don't want to hear, but I tell her things she doesn't want to hear. We have a mutual respect for each others opinions and views and that's what makes our relationship work! We may not always like what we hear, but deep down we know the other person is usually right.
She's come a long way in her life and I'm so proud of her. She survived a divorce with really low points and she survived her children whom she loves very much and would move heaven and earth to help them as long as they want to help themselves and take responsibility for their actions.
You know how if you hang around a person long enough you start talking like them? For me, one of the most annoying things on the face of the earth is the catch phrase, "You know, right"? I thought I had broke myself from this catch phrase, however, being in the car with her five minutes I'm saying it again. What's more is my thirteen-year-old son says it too. Then, they gang up on me because they find this annoyance to me hillarious to them.
Outspoken even at her wedding

She refuses to let anyone walk all over her including the people she works with. Melanie does not play games with anyone. She won't say something behind your back unless she's willing to say it to your face. When she gets tired, you hear her southern accent come out which I tease her about all the time. She has a way of knowing when I'm sad or down and by the end of our conversation she has me rolling laughing.
"You're in a good mood," I said.
"I had a good day at work," she said.
She goes onto tell me the conversation she had with one of her managers and she tells me about their back storage room.
"I told him when we first opened everything was so organized. Trainers and management who have been doing this for years told us where to put things. You could find what you're looking for. Since you've been here it's not so organized. We can't find anything," she said.
Melanie is simply fearless.
"How do you make $50 in that section"? Another employee asked her. This particular section is catered towards truckers so there is an obvious answer. I just won't tell you exactly how she made the $50.

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