Monday, December 3, 2012

SRS and answered prayers

Because an "anonymous" tip had been filed with Social Rehabilitation Services (SRS), they sent someone to my house within a few days. She looked around and found nothing wrong. I asked Becky to sit with me for support because I was scared. I needed someone there who knew what I was going through and what I was facing.
"There have been concerns the children have not seen a doctor," the social worker said. I laughed and said, "Really"? Explain to me how my son plays for Salvation Army Football without having been to the doctor for a comprehensive physical?" I will not embarrass my son in my blog, but his doctor addressed all the concerns I had, had and that the social worker brought up. I even had evidence to support it.
"Do you have a mouse problem"? She asked.
"Yes," I responded. "However, I have already called an exterminator." Truth be told, the exterminator only caught one and used the wooden traps that I had been using. The only reason I couldn't catch the other one was because I couldn't get into my attic.
"Did they tell you that Leslie found out she had breast cancer last week"? Becky asked the social worker.
"Well, no they didn't." The social worker said. "That is a huge red flag that, that bit of information was left out."
"There is reason that you spent over $50,000 in a short amount of time," the social worker stated. I responded again and said, "How is my spending habits any of your business? My utilities are on, my house payment is made, my children have clothes, they have their needs met. How would that affect whether or not I was an unfit parent?"
As she's writing down my answers she asks, "there is concern that you are bi-polar." How did she want me to respond to that? An hour had passed and she went onto say, "I have spent an hour with you and I see no signs of bi-polar. And, I'm arund a lot of people who have bi-polar. You would definitely show signs of it in a high-stressed situation as this."
"Do you know who Marty Martin is?" she asked. That was all the evidence I needed.
"I don't see anything wrong here." The social worker said, in fact she chuckled. "Usually, we follow up with a parenting plan, but I see no need here. You have a plan in place."
I will admit I failed the kids in taking them to the dentist in the past year. Becky claimed it was four years, but that was an old dentist that we didn't go to anymore.
The social worker still wanted her "I's" dotted and "T's" crossed and wanted the kids to be seen by their doctors and dentists. I was really irritated by this considering they had already been to the doctor a month prior. Becky was hell bent on getting them to the doctors as well. However, she didn't make them appointments with their primary care physicians. She used her family doctor, which I understood at the time because she was able to get them in pretty fast.
"I just want them to be able to close the case as fast as possible," Becky said.
I suppose I understood that, I just didn't like it. Why should I help SRS? I haven't done anything wrong and I'm not guilty of anything. Was I depressed? Yes. Did I have a hard time six months ago and depressed? Yes. Was I stressed out beyond belief? Yes. I still put one foot in front of the other. Even without Becky's help/interference I know I would have been able to handle things. Yes, it would have been difficult, but not impossible. Instead of being dependant on my husband I became dependant on her. She said she loved me and would do anything for me.
Why wouldn't I gravitate towards that? Why was she doing this all for me? People don't do anything out of the kindness of their hearts anymore, but she did. She was my angel and I had even leaned on her more than my sister, Melanie. Becky listened to me and tried to understand what I was going through. She understood why my other sister and I didn't get along, and she knew why I only "tolerated" my ex-husband. She was the answer to my prayers.

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